The Henley

Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
100 Guestrooms
30 High-End Apts.
In progress
The Henley Condo Hotel
This condo hotel will be built on a corner site with strategic ac-cess to the public beach in the middle on the renowned ‘Seven Mile Beach’ in Grand Cayman. The 11 story Hotel will be full of amenities at an elevated pool deck over retail and on the 11th floor for private res-idents. The orientation of the building will gain spectacular views of the beach to all guests.
Some of the amenities on the podium level are signa-ture and three meal restau-rants, retail, bars, wellness spa, etc. On the roof, a reflecting pool sets the scene for anoth-er rooftop restaurant and bar. This project was designed in collaboration with Kariba Architecture for Evolving Island in the Grand Cayman Islands.
Mauricio Villa