Cancun Spa Resort

Cancun, Mexico
35,000 sq. ft.
Cancun Spa Resort
The Mayan symbol Hunab Ku describes how the two fundamental opposing forces found on everything compliment each other. Based mostly on these two principles: feminine: The earth, darkness, passiveness, and absorption, while the masculine: Sky, light, activity and penetration. Conceived this same way, the project is constituted by the same two elements. The existing natural environment and the foreign element to develop, the architecture.
Just like the inherent characteristics of the land are unique: the mangrove, the interior lake, the expansive beaches...the opposite will be the program, the buildings and the surrounding man-made amenities.
We proposed a project that would affect the surrounding nature the least. The layout will obey a concept that is set around nature, not imposed on the land.
The complex will work around wellness of nature and its guests, creating an unforgettable experience as a primary goal. This wellness is derived from constant contact with the ecosystem: Flora and Fauna, water, light and air.